Cleaning your home in preparation for a move…By Naturally Clean

Cleaning your home in preparation for a move

Moving is always a stressful time. Challenges around the purchase or rental of a new home and packing up house tend to trump issues such as leaving your house in pristine condition for the newcomers. However, we’ve always found that the key to a successful move is actually a plan that includes the seamless execution of various moving parts. One of those moving parts is cleaning your home. It’s often the last thing you think of and do, which means it’s a dreaded, stressful task. But keeping your home in clean condition during the moving process doesn’t just make packing easier and moving out more efficient, it’s also helpful when you stage your home for potential buyers.
For your next move, take these tips into consideration and save yourself unnecessary angst:

1. Plan ahead. Most people have some sort of routine for when they clean their house. The temptation is to let this go when you’re so busy packing. Don’t! If there’s one thing you do, keep to your regular schedule of cleaning house. Schedule a clean-up, with chores for the family, every week. This way, your home looks great when prospective tenants or buyers come around, and when the big clean-up comes before moving day, your job will be easier to handle.
2. Keep product close at hand. A box or carrier with cleaning supplies out on a counter or table during this time is a great visual reminder to stay on top of your cleaning and with supplies close at hand it’s easy to attend to small jobs on the fly.
3. Many hands make light work. If you share your home with friends or family, assign everyone a task. The cleaning tasks will appear less daunting. Consider promising rewards to young kids who complete their assigned chores.
4. Tackle the final cleaning. The last thing we do before we move out is clean the house. We want our new owners or renters to come into a sparkling clean home, and we expect the same when we take up residence in our new place. Opt to pay for a cleaning service if you are really tight for time or doing the clean-up yourself is going to push you to your limits of sanity. Otherwise assign yourself or another person to stay behind once the movers have left to clean. Focus on the basics:

–          vacuum and clean floors

–          clean and sanitize bathrooms

–          dust all built-in sills and ledges

–          wipe clean appliances, counter tops, and cupboards outside and inside

–          clean windows inside and outside

–          spot clean obvious marks and bruises on walls

It’s important to realize that anybody moving into your home will do a big clean themselves. You probably will as well, right? So don’t sweat over it too much.

Naturally Clean, the healthy living and green cleaning experts, wants consumers to understand how harsh chemicals and unhealthy practices can negatively affect them physical and mentally, with the hope that they will be able to make informed decisions and pursue a more green and healthy lifestyle.Naturally Clean is always available to answer your questions or discuss a topic. If you have a question, send us an email at, and we are happy to help.

Happy Moving!

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