How to Remove Candle Wax off Floors

How to Remove Candle Wax off Floors

I have always been nervous burning candles in my home. Although, they create a warm and relaxing ambiance in your room, they can be unsafe if left unattended or create havoc if candle wax spills onto your carpet or floors. Here is a tip from Naturally Clean if wax spills on your carpet or hard wood floors.

Hardened Candle Wax on Carpet
-take a brown paper bag and cut it so you can lay it flat
-lay the paper bag over the wax on the carpet
-warm up the steam iron on a moderate setting
-once warmed up move the iron back and forth over the wax. Do not have the iron come in contact with the carpet. The wax will absorb into the paper bag once the wax warms up.
-keep ironing the wax area until all the wax has been removed.

Hardened Candle Wax on Wood Floors

-fill up a plastic bag with ice and place it over the area where the wax is.
-leave the iced bag on the area until the wax becomes brittle enough to come off
-you can also place an ink blotter on the area and apply a hot iron to the top of the blotter if some candle wax did not come off. Again, do not have the iron come in contact with the wood.

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