How Sustainable are Micro-Fibre Cloths

How Sustainable are Micro-Fibre Cloths

 There is an up- and down- side to microfiber cloth products.

The upside of microfiber cloths:

They only need water to clean streaks, smudges, dirt and grime on glass, mirrors and stainless steel surfaces. They are also easily washed and reused. Good quality cloths last several years.

The downside of microfiber cloths

They are made from petrochemicals. The polyester and polyamide fabric strands are 100 times finer than human hair. That’s what makes them so good at lifting dirt, grease and dust without cleaning chemicals. Problem is, they are made from a non-renewable resource and do not biodegrade. And only those made from polypropylene are recyclable.

Ultimately, it’s up to you. One cloth may be a great addition to your cleaning arsenal but don’t forget you can also wash and reuse rags (from old t-shirts, sheets etc.) or newspaper which can then be composted. And, as you know I’m big on making all of my own green home cleaners.

At Naturally Clean we limit the use of microfiber cloths, which are only used for dusting. Naturally Clean uses 100% reusable and recyclable cotton cloths to wash and clean all surfaces in the kitchen, bathrooms and other areas that need to be washed and cleaned.

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