A Naturally Clean Cleaning Tip – How to Reduce Germs in your home
Naturally Clean has been following healthy cleaning practices since our beginning. Healthy cleaning is a practice to reduce and prevent any cross contamination of germs within your home and from client to client. For when you clean your home, Naturally Clean, Kitcheners cleaning experts recommends following these tips to prevent germs from being spread.
- Use a color coded cloth system. For when cleaning bathrooms you can use a cotton rag to clean the surfaces. If using a scrubbie pad for sinks, tubs and toilets, use 2 different color scrubbies. Maybe a pink for tubs and sinks and another color for the toilet. You don’t want to use the same scrubbie for both because the toilet carries many different germs. Naturally Clean recommends that the scrubbie pad for the toilet be kept separate from the other scrubbies when storing. Naturally Cleanspractice is that we throw the toilet scrubbie away after each use. You can buy cheap colored scrubbies at the dollar store.Kitchen cleaning requires another colored cloth. Naturally Cleandoes not recommend you using the same cotton cloth as used in the bathroom because the kitchen is where you prepare food. If you use the same cloth, you would be transporting germs from one room to the other.2. For dusting services throughout the house, Naturally Clean suggests another color coded cloth. You can use the same cloth throughout the house but you don’t want to use it to clean kitchen or bathroom surfaces.
3. When washing floors check that your mop cloth is clean and the bucket water is hot and clean as well. Dirty bucket water carries lots of germs and you will be spreading them throughout the house. If using a dirty mop cloth that h as been sitting around for awhile is for sure going to be full of germs. So be sure when starting that the mop cloth is fresh and clean.
4. Vacuum cleaners can also be a source of spreading germs and dirt throughout the house. When beginning to clean check that the bottom of the powerhead or the floor piece is clean and that the vacuum bag is not full. Because Naturally Clean cleans many homes our practice is to check all vacuums from one home to another for dirt. In the middle of the week, all vacuum bags are changes as well.
Watch for more great tips from Naturally Clean on how to reduce germs in your home.